
Monday, February 23, 2009

«Motivational Monday: Faith»

If this were not true, there'd be no need for the bullet-proof glass the Pope is behind.

Faith / The bullets are real. Your God is not.


  1. Ah, but the pope is Catholic. Not Christian!

  2. @ Looney: True, but are you saying your priest at your church would be protected from bullets? That he could walk into the line of fire having full faith that God would protect him?

    (Well, I suppose he could have full faith, it'd just be a short-lived misguided faith)

  3. Jesus died on a cross, so I have no reason to expect any better. Maybe worse. It is the hope regarding the resurrection that starts to distinguish Christians.

  4. LOL, I bet you were only half joking about the pope being a Catholic rather than a christian eh? No one does sects and disunity like Christians.

    The Lords Resistance Army fighters in Africa believe they are protected from bullets I gather. The protection lasts until they actually get shot.

    And resurrection? Just another reincarnation myth to sooth the troubled Psyche.

  5. "LOL, I bet you were only half joking about the pope being a Catholic rather than a christian eh?"

    Always facetious! There were popes who clearly didn't behave like Christians, but no doubt you will agree that I didn't get a peek at the books that are in heaven.

  6. A rather contreversial subject in my opinion. But Marf does have a point.

  7. @ Anonymous: When it comes to religion, my stance is often controversial.


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