
Monday, June 2, 2008

«Technical Difficulties»

Google Page Creator is having a little trouble right now.
This is not because of anything you did; it's just a little hiccup in our system that will hopefully go away soon. We apologize for the inconvenience, and recommend you try reloading this page.

- Google Page Creator

Google Page Creator is having some problems. Because all my blog's background images and css are hosted on Google Page Creator my blog is slow to load, or doesn't load at all. If it does load, it's unstyled.

I hope they fix it soon. Why bother writing a blog post when it won't even load? Because I think the web feed still works and at least this post can be read from there to alert my most loyal readers to what's going on. Because, you know, my most loyal readers subscribe to my web feed.

EDIT #1: It also appears that Google Groups is not working right. I wounder what sort of problems they're having over at Google...

EDIT #2: Seems to be fixed now. Crisis over...


  1. Blogspot was having fits yesterday as well. Not loading blogs, etc.

  2. Where was I, didn't notice a thing and just saw this post when I came to talk about gas prices.

  3. It didn't last long. I noticed it when I replying to comments.

  4. Whole system is NAFF.
    Cannot access my site via Search Engines )Get this '404 thing'.
    I wont 'Verify'. And instructions for same are rather weird anyway.
    It aint worked for weeks. With Googles resources, you'd think it would be much better, otherwise whats the point of offering free website facilities for fun users such as me.


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