
Sunday, July 20, 2008

«Star Trek Experience Ending»

As the last episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation was named: All Good Things... [...must come to an end.]

The Star Trek Experience in the LasVegas Hilton is going to close. There are no current Star Trek TV shows and interest is falling off. There is a movie due to come out in May 2009, but I don't have high hopes for it. Could this be the end of Star Trek?

I'm what you would call a Trekkie. It's sad to see this happening to Star Trek.

1 comment:

  1. My Mother will be crushed.

    When she bought our first VCR in 19-early-80-something she began recording EVERY Star Trek episode. She did so for a great many years.

    Her plan then was to keep them to give to the boys along w/ a new VCR. Her plan now, buy the DVD's.

    That's 80's thinkin' for ya.


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